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Subject: can anybody help me say this to a friend in Persian?

love all, trust a few, do wrong to none
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Subject: What is shafeiee in Farsi?

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Subject: Please translate

How do we say "in the name of god." in Farsi?
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Subject: Can anybody help to translate this to English?

  خداوند به كسي ظلم نمي كند

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Subject: A short Pray in Farsi

Hello, could someone please translate "stay with God" into Farsi script? thanks
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Subject: آيه 76 سوره نساء به انگلیسی

  از آيه 71 مي خوانيم: يا ايها الذين امنوا خذوا حذركم فانفرو اثبات أو انفروا جميعاً اي اهل ايمان! احتياط خودتان را بگيريد، يعني درمقابل دشمن احتياط خودتان را رعايت كنيد. :يا ايها الذين امنوا خذوا حذركم فانفرو اثبات أو انفروا جميعاً

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Subject: What does this sentence say?

  مسلمانان بايد از چهره دروغين و شعارهاي به ظاهر زيباي منافقان آگاه شوند

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Subject: لطفا این متن را به فارسی برگردان نمایید. با تشکر

These days, the resolute eyes of a beautiful man dressed in robes of verdant green, the color of Islam, gaze at Iranians across the country from large canvases ornamenting the streets. The martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the Twelver-Imam Shia sect’s third Imam, is commemorated across the Shia Muslim worl
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Subject: Translation of a pray in Farsi

If anyone can help me translate this phrase, it would be much appreciated!! 'Dear Lord, give me strength'
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Subject: Is this Farsi or Arabic, and what is the meaning?

  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم- لاحول و لاقوه الا بالله العلي العظيم

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Subject: tarjome be farsi

You are a mouslim man remember that.
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Subject: Farsi to English Please

  قدرداني موجب رضايت الهي است

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Subject: I'm getting a tattoo

I'm getting a tattoo, and since I believe farsi to be one of the most beautifully (written) languages in the world, I would like to have my tattoo in it. Could someone please translate the following sentance? "God is within us" Thanks
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Subject: help with a repeaing phrase (Farsi)

I am reading some texts and this phrase keeps repeating "پيامبر اكرم ص"
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Subject: tarjomeye engelisi in ebarat che mishavad?

  تأكيد مشاور رئيس جمهور برگسترش شعائر ديني و فرهنگ نماز

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Subject: I need this in English please

  همانا خداوند دگرگون نكند آنچه را مربوط به گروهي است تا آن كه دگرگون سازند آنچه را در خود آنان است.رعد/10

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Subject: Can you tell me to write this in Farsi but with the English characters

Only God
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Subject: Durude Bar shoma (farsi tarjomeh)

Hello, Im just wondering what سبح ربه, الحمد لله means, since I am just starting to learn the farsi alphabet. I would be most appreciative if anyone could help me translate it.
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Subject: Can anybody help to translate this to Persian?

Muslim authorities belonging to different schools of thought have sought over the ages to define the meaning of hikmah as well as falsafah, a term which entered Arabic through the Greek translations of the second/eighth and third/ninth centuries.
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Subject: I appreciate your help for Farsi

I need the words "nothing is sacred" translated into persian. I haven't found a site that can do it
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Subject: Help for Farsi translation of bible

I have been wanting to know how to write a verse from the bible in my dads language(farsi) and i want to know if you can help me by re-writing this in farsi but with all the little symbols: Kind words are sweet like honey-Sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Prov. Thank you
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